We are a Christian student organization at the University of North Texas. We are a ministry of the Baptist General Convention of Texas and the Denton Baptist Association. We're committed to helping students know God and making Him known on campus.
Who we are:
We believe that all of the Holy Bible, both Old and New Testaments, is our perfect and inspired, God breathed guide in which God, the Triune creator of all things, has revealed Himself and how to live in a manner that is both pleasing to Him and leads to the greatest flourishing for humanity. We believe that People, who are created in God's image to worship God, have instead sinned against God by rejecting His self-revelation and rebelling against His commands. Yet, Salvation has been offered to all people through the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ, and is rooted God's Grace and linked necessarily to the response of Repentance and Faith and a life lived in accordance with the Calling we have received as Christians. God's work of salvation continues on in Sanctification, which is the creating of Christ-like character and behavior in the Christ follower, all through the guiding, personal presence of the Holy Spirit who indwells all believers. Believers are United to One Another in Christ, and are commanded to pursue reconciliation and faithfully preach the Gospel to the world until Christ returns. Believers are also called to join themselves in membership to a local Christian congregation.
The Gospel is the good news of God’s grace invading the darkness of this world. It is the grand narrative of creation, fall, redemption and consummation ordained by God and orchestrated through the life, death, resurrection and ascension of Jesus Christ. Christ’s death on the cross is the heart of the Gospel. His resurrection is the power of the Gospel. His ascension is the glory of the Gospel.
Christ’s death is a substitutionary and propitiatory sacrifice to God for our sins. It satisfies the demands of God’s holy justice and appeases His holy wrath. It also demonstrates His mysterious love and reveals His amazing grace. Jesus Christ is the only mediator between God and man. There is no other name by which men can be saved. At the heart of all sound doctrine is the cross of Jesus Christ and the infinite privilege that redeemed sinners have in glorifying God because of what He has accomplished. Therefore, we want all that takes place in our hearts and ministry to proceed from and be related to the Gospel.
The mission of the UNT BSM is “Know Him To Make Him Known.” We pray that through involvement with the UNT BSM, a student will grow in their relationship with the Lord and will be equipped to share the Gospel with those they encounter.
Our hope is that when a student graduates from UNT, that they would have had the opportunity to grow in the following ways:
- Discipleship: have a desire to grow spiritually and be equipped with the tools to do so (personally and through investing in the spiritual growth of others).
- Leadership Development: have an understanding of personal gifting and be equipped to serve wherever it is that God may take them.
- Ambassador of Reconciliation and Multiplication: have a desire for the Gospel to be shared and for disciples to be made in their communities and around the world.
- Church Involvement: have an understanding of the purpose of the Church and recognize the importance of obediently pursuing Church Membership.